Uncle EricK MY UNCLE ERICK, BORN BENEATH A CARAVAN, A FUNKY AQUARIAN, WHEN WE WERE KIDS... HE MADE US PICK THE PIPS, OUT OF HIS BLACKBERRY JAM. TWENTY NINTH OF FEBUARY, HE IS FORTY....THAT MAKES HIM TEN. NY UNCLE BRICK, ANIMALS ARE BETTER THAN MEN DON’T GO INTO PUBS, ‘CAUSE THEY’RE FULL OF THEM. HE ONCE SAID TO ME, IF YOU WERE MINE YOU WON’T GO TO SCHOOL, YOU'LL STAY AT HONE ALL THE TIME. MY UNCLE ERICK, MOLLY AND MUMMY WOULD BE "FAG—ASH LILL"ING, THAT’S WHEN WE WOULD GO OUT WALKING... SWINGING FROM THE TREES, PUSH THE DOGS IN THE RIVER, EVEN THOUGH MOLLY SAID "DON’ T LET THEM IN THERE." TWENTY NINTH OF FEBRUARY, HE IS NOUGHTY.... H~ CAN’T HELP BUT REBEL. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADAM IN THE GARDEN Adam in the Garden I saw for us a transient, prize, of riches the poor despise. And of course our Good God will see, All good things will tempt and flee. Adam in the Garden. Now that I think I'm set asunder, Perhaps on dodgy ground I blunder. Think after this, that fateful, Where might destiny take you? Adam in the Garden. I pray to all I know and doubt That I don't kill to let it all hang out. And of course our good God will see to it, I'll cough and drown in it. Adam in the Garden. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Leibrazze Part 1 La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, L’iebrazze was the word that came to me. Halloween, Halucigene, Tis, witches brew that doth insue. Hark me now, my beaded brow, Of the madness that ensues me now. La, La, La. La, La, La, La, La, Liabrazze was the word that came to me. The first thinq, that came to pass, Was the streetlamp that made me laugh. The second thinq that I reflected, Was the way the moon connected. With La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, Liebrazze was the word that came to me. The third thing that came to me Was the burley Christmas Tree The fourth thing I found or lost, Was not was that who I am.. La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, Liebrazze was the word that What is a moment bu the next one I’m rapping Leibrazze Part 2 To fall in hell, or see angelic, You’ll need a pinch of psychedelic. Welll there was me and Smokey Joe, In the land you go to called; I don’t know. And we moved accross the waters, Of a great big swirly sea. Listen to me, I’ve a theory, Our brains are tacky lumps in this soup that you see. We stopped and stared at this fact, We fell about laughing at the joke we cracked. It was hell.. I hated it... My body.. I had forsaken it... See I was laughing, and what he didn’t know, My toung was hanging out all over the show. It licked my head , hit the deck, ‘Round my melting fingers, the back of my neck. Ba—ba—ba-ba—ba-baby boom. Tell me dear Joe, why Am I askin’, No answer came back, no time was passin’. A spastic gesture, a futile conjecture, I was dead, I made the last quest—ah I was gone, in who’s opinion. I met the jester, ‘the jester of oblivion. If your not—strong enough, For this HOCUS ... POKUS stuff. Then you’ll jump on to some religion, And we bid you good luck. Whats to do, to do a pee. Whats a girl, there’s no desire in me. I’m dying and crying and still go on. I’ve stopped, I’m dead I’ve slit my neck. I was walking down the street, just the other day. A friend came to me, “How are you by the way”? I said, “Last night I nearly died and wore”! “Don’t give me that, I’ve been there before. “If you’ve been there before, you’ll feel my rap, And wont come back with that wordy crap.” he repulsed and convulsed dear me, When he said I was a loony on L.S.D. I said sham? I said Shoot! The wants found it a name to boot. Hubbub ninctus vibrandom, gaga. Liebrazze Part 3. COME TO ME JOE, I’LL TIE OUR THOUGHTS AND DOUBLE. JINGLE JANGLE, MY SENSES HAVE BEEN STRIPPED. YES. TOIL AND TROUBLE, TAKE TIME TO SAY BLAH HELP ME MUMMY, I AM IN GOO NOW WE STOPPED AT THE START OF THE TRACk ThAT ALWAYS, LEAD BACK TO THE PLACE WHICH WAS TO KNOW THAT IT WAS NOT A PLACE AND IN A LUCKY GAP THE WORDS CAmE OUT “I DON’T KNOW; I’M MENTAL ~“ COmING DOWN NOW……………SHUT UP