The sea the land the sky merge as one, Here at the sea shore. Here at the edge of the wave, At the edge of tide and time. This, the centre of the triangle. The conjunction of three. Here's where the primal ancesters made legs and lungs, Where life took air; poked it's head in open gas. Rising high as a cloud, Thin as a bubble skin. A spiraling event among maxim. Air touches everything. The Land The Sea and The Sky merge as one. The land and sea and Space. SPACE ! The void carrying everything. A window to radio. A lens appearing in eternity. Spattered and gritted by the stuff it isn't. In space nests fire, The Sun a star that is near. EARTH, the ceramic sphere, A bed for the oceans to lay on, The boundaries of dreams. EARTH EARTH. The skellington, the shell, the jelly and the touchable. EARTH.. The mineral that builds us, The mother of bodies. The place of the dead, judge and protector, EARTH.. She quakes under her own reluctance; she is time. From her cracks run red rock, From a fire inside, a piece of the SUN, a gift, her animus. The sea, teaming with tenticles and tails. A pool of tears that run from the land as rivers. The sea's embrace of the return of everything, Everything that moves. The Sun the Father giving her the child creatures, That behave the only way they do. This is all of us....